Can you solve the problem?

Worldwide more than 5 billion people are affected by water shortage in 2050. Two and half billion people live without basic sanitation facilities. Global climate change is affecting many continents. The amounts of cyclones are increasing and after floats and cyclones (Zimbabwe cyclone Idai), people drink water from contaminated water sources.  

In emergency situations, people transport water over longer distances either from the well to their home or from a water tanker to their tent. For this water transport, many different devices are used. Traditionally jerry cans, plastic containers, collapsible containers and buckets with lit and a faucet.  

All these devices are voluminous and the type of plastic is not durable. Often they break and are affected by weathering.  Buckets and jerry cans are difficult to transport (takes space), but in flooded areas, buckets and jerry cans cannot be dropped by the air. 

Can you solve the problem?

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