Clean water transport. Keeping water fresh and bacteria free with AQUAIDH20



Aquaid company is a company started in 2014. With the team we developed several different water bag solutions.  Rob holds a degree in Biochemistry and has worked 20 years in Research and development organization, developing and designing products and put those products into mass production. Rob works 20 years in the emergency and relief market. […]

A founders story

In 2001, I started to work with water purification.  A person asked me; do you think you can make a personal water filter from a straw?  At that time and today, the Jimmy Carter program had a straw with a build in mesh filter in distribution in Africa.  The program is sponsored by Jimmy Carter […]

Can you solve the problem?

Worldwide more than 5 billion people are affected by water shortage in 2050. Two and half billion people live without basic sanitation facilities. Global climate change is affecting many continents. The amounts of cyclones are increasing and after floats and cyclones (Zimbabwe cyclone Idai), people drink water from contaminated water sources.   In emergency situations, people […]

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