In 2001, I started to work with water purification.
A person asked me; do you think you can make a personal water filter from a straw?
At that time and today, the Jimmy Carter program had a straw with a build in mesh filter in distribution in Africa.
The program is sponsored by Jimmy Carter foundation in cooperation with the Company Vestergaard Frandsen and together they had set the goal to eradicate Guinea worm.
A person becomes infected when they drink water that contains water fleas infected with guinea worm larvae. Initially there are no symptoms. About one year later, the female worm forms a painful blister in the skin, usually on a lower limb. The worm then emerges from the skin over the course of a few weeks. During this time, it may be difficult to walk or work. It is very uncommon for the disease to cause death. The Guinea worm straw program is a great success.
People wear with proud the straw around their neck showing they are protected and this resulted in the disease gradually being pushed back to a level of eradication.
Following this development, the question asked; would it be possible to design and produce a personal water filter for emergency situations which can filter out bacteria and vira generally present in the water?
This work resulted in Lifestraw and belongs to the company Vestergaard-Frandsen. The process and working with the Vestergaard Frandsen have been one of my best years in my professional career. Great inspiration. I thank the company Vestergaard Frandsen for this great experience.
When I moved on, I was left with many questions related to water and hygiene and water borne diseases.
Often, water wells contain very clean uninfected water. People come to collect water from wells have all kind of devices with them. In many African countries there is circulating barrels, old plastic containers from chemicals, containers which contained oils and surfactants, jerry cans, and buckets. These are used to transport water. Fresh water from the well enters these open devices and by the time the collector is home, the water is already contaminated. The same problem exists in refugee camps, when people come to the central water tanker to fill up their container or buckets.
Since many years, for example buckets are used for this purpose and there have been done some efforts to make buckets more suitable for transportation of water. Many NGO’s have their solution; e.g. the Oxfam bucket (Oxfam) and UNICEF collapsible containers.
One can ask the obvious: why not add a simple water filter to such devices removing bacteria and vira?
The technology is obviously present, not at a great cost, but it is not done. My personal opinion is that the reason is that infected water has many sources.
It is a part of the lack of daily hygiene of people living together. No dedicated sewage system, no toilet facilities and no water treatment systems for human waste.
Many None Governmental organisations have therefore developed a so-called WASH program; Water and Sanitation Hygiene, a program promoting general hygiene such as toilet facilities, washing hands and developing sewage systems in villages. Often, there are no toilets and no sewage infrastructure and no central collection of human waste. Contaminated human waste enters directly the ground water and the cycle of infection is complete: water-borne diseases.
To combat the complexity of water borne diseases; every single issue has to be tackled and the web of the different contributing parameters has to be eliminated one by one. One of these contributing parameters is indeed the transport of water. Bringing in contaminated water used in household and for drinking water, is one factor contributing to getting sick. It is that simple.
And that is the reason I have started Aquaid.
There has not been done a lot to develop or make better designs for hand carried water. Most plastic containers are voluminous, made of soft and hard plastics but not really made for the person carrying the water and bringing the collected water uncontaminated home.
This problem inspired me to design, rethink and make simple “bags”. A bag which is light weight, strong and can be used for other purposes both over land and air, easy to transport, easy to distribute and air tight.
It took 6 years to get to the right design with my own money. A design can always be better; but the current developed range of products; fulfils the set purpose; a strong water bag which lasts at least one year, can stand-up and is a part of a carton box used as a stable tripod. The bag is removed out of the tripod box, refilled and put back in place. It can stand on a table or other surfaces easy accessible for the family delivering clean and uninfected water. In short, a handy design.
Now, the challenge to get products to end users is huge and is a tremendous task. Multi national companies spend more money on marketing than on development and distribution and manufacturing together.
People: with your help, this range of products can find it’s way to make it easier for people in emergency situations to handle water and help to break the cycle of infections.

Rob Fleuren
CEO and founder Aquaid Co.
Senior Process Engineer at AFRY
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